Konzertflügel Bösendorfer 275

Bösendorfer Konzertflügel 275

Ein meisterlich restaurierter Bösendorfer Flügel von 1940.

Der Flügel hat einen neuwertigen Charakter, da die Restauration

sehr sorgfältig in einem Klavierbaumeisterbetrieb durchgeführt wurde.

Der Flügel hat 92 Tasten, sehr gut erhaltene Elfenbein / Ebenholzklaviatur.

Strahlender Klang, kräftiger Bass.

Ein Instrument mit einmaligem Charakter und besonderem Charme.

Die Oberfläche ist neu schwarz poliert.

Konzertrollen mit Feststellbremse.

Preis :  €  27.900. - verkauft !  / sold

Weitere Informationen und Bilder gerne.

Prof. Gottfried Böttger schrieb über diesen Flügel :

“The character of the piano: it is a very sensitive to play piano, you have to look for a very good finger - technique between forte and piano, if you have it, the piano will sings in a way you never heard before. In the downer middle,where is normally the weak point of every piano, it has an unbelievable baritone. This is on of the force of the piano.

All together the piano has a very powerful singing character and it was one of my best experiences to fly from one improvisation to another in this sound.

Unfortunately I have to change my live environment and so the piano was too big in my new entourage.

So I gave it back to Michael and he worked for half a year on this instrument to whip into shape.

These are some informations about the instrument but there is also a not so well known secret:

This piano was built in 1939 directly for the Royal Albert Hall in London.

In 1945 when the BBC studios were bombed out by the Germans they needed a GrandPiano and so this instrument was the main recording instrument in the new BBC studios. A lot of well  known pianists legends recorded on this Instrument, like Glen Gould, Horowitz, a.s.o., and the highlight is- they have written down their names on the bottom of the piano. I hope, they are still there !!!”